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Cinema Cirque 

The movie I choose is Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again. The scene I choose is when the two dads flew from China and Georgia they miss the ferry to get to Kalokairi. They go to a bar and meet people from a perious scene the add so much comedy in this scene which makes you attached to the characters. It makes you upset that they can't get to there daughter huge celebration.  Bill ask the man in the perious scene to all of his family and friends to go Kaokairi for his daughter celebration. He says, "Yes!" 

       The scene begins, they get on 3 huge boats and a couple of small ones and they switch different angels about 30 times in one minute. Which keeps the viewers interested to what each character is doing.  In the link below (left side) it shows how many people it took for a 15 second scene and the effort it took to get that.  I get frustrated filming only a couple of clips and to have 100 people for four minutes with singing and dancing is really impressive and something I look up too and hopefully maybe get to experience something like that. 


       All of characters big or small part really gave dedication to the  production. Each scene is thought out what best angel or setting will show how big the mass of people there is. There is one part of the behind the scenes where the camera man are on top of a hill and filming the docking the boats. That scene in the movie is my favorite because your finally see all the character re -meet. 


Go to - 3:40 

Scene, "Dancing Queen" 

Cinema Documentary Review


The film I choose is a very sensitive, unpleasing topic. September 11th, 2001 when  two planes were hijacked and hit the twin towers. United 93 was released five years after the attack. This is the second time watching this film. The first time watching it, I was in South Carolina visiting my dad, we turn on the TV a couple hours before I headed off the airport to go fly to Albany to go home. I was so afraid and unsettled that I called my mom and asked her to drive down to pick me up. She said no. But that’s what this film did to me, made me realize that this world isn't generally perfect and gave me a better understanding of 9/11 terrorist attack.


It baffles my mind every minute of the film. My eyes are in staring into the screen. I’m watching something that actually happened, I was alive. Of course I wasn’t sure what actually happened or knew at five months old, I wouldn’t  have any understanding. Growing up hearing about the attack I never truly understood what happen that day. Watching this film for the second time, I know that every person in the world jaws were dropped, people were praying for every single victim effect by the attack.


While watching the film, I couldn’t help, but think how are the character doing that?  How could they put themselves in that mind set. How could they switch their brains to act in that situation. Every person in who was involved in this movie must have been very difficult. I think this film is super important for teens/kids my age to have a better understanding of what happen September 11th.


The flight United 93, was the only plane in the hijacking that the passengers understood what was happening, they were getting phone calls from their friends and loved ones. That two planes hit the towers in New York City. They understood that they needed to do something. The passengers in the plane got together and attack the hijackers and the plane in crashed in Pennsylvania field. The plane was headed to the white house. The film shows how it all started how the passengers reacted to the every event that happen that day and showed the hijackers you can not win this one. Which is super fascinating.

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