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Silent Movie


Last semester, I didn't really use a TasCam in my videos because we were a gnat almost every week  using there equipment, but I did know using a TasCam is for great sound and getting a great choose to use for when doing interviews. I did not know how to use one until watching the video and playing around with one. I noted that the you do not press the record button to end the recording. Make sure you turn off before you take the SD card out and to clap so there's a spike in sound bar to line it up with the actual video. Making the silent movie help me realize how important it is to remember what it takes to add and bring sound into the video. It also keeps the people watching the film interested in the video. Having a song that will make the watcher sing throughout the day and sound that was usually weird to grab there attention.  

bolt points 


- Use clip grab to get sounds off of youtube 


-Have sounds that are backgrounds, "street sounds, birds, and people talking" 


-Placement of were the sound effect was dropped on final cut pro to make sure the sound and the visual are lined up. 


-Creating sound that works with action or to add to the visual 

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