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Final Movie Review





My Top 100 movie I choose to watch that I haven't seen before is E.T.  The search started with a couple different movies to choose from movie on google (100 Top Ten List). I stared all them, honestly I was super confused if theses movies were even good. Finally I made the decision on E.T. My younger brother, Andrew as always talked about how much he loved this movie. I have never had an interest in it I thought it was creepy and weird. I didn’t understand the hype about the movie. The Movie was inspiring, it had so much detail to love and character. I wonder when watching why haven't I never seen this movie before. E.T is about a boy (Elliott) who becomes friends with an, alien"E.T.", who is stranded on Earth. Elliott and his siblings help E.T. return to his home planet, while attempting to keep him hidden from the government. What I found most interesting about E.T is the graphics on E.T this movie came out in 1982, I knew that graphic and new technology was coming out and I thought there graphic designer's did a really nice job making it seem real so you can connect with each character. I didn't like the beginning of the movie, I thought it was very slow and not very interesting. I thought there could be more excited and I thought you should get to know Elliott more in the beginning. The ending was terrific there was a lot of drama, sadness, and happiness. Being in this class for the second time you can really point out different techniques that they use to film this movie, the rule of 180 was used a lot, cutting the camera different takes. Sound was a big a role in this movie because E.T could only speak little english it was important to capture, "phone, home." The music in the ending scene when E.T is leaving is amazing and the cinematography in that scene fit perfectly. I would recommend this movie because of the story and the way the director came up with each shot and storyboard of the film. I would tell the person for the last 5-6 years of never wanting to watch it that it was a waste.

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