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Gossip Girl 

Behind the Scene

      The show that I enjoy a lot is Gossip Girl, every day after school/practice I’d go home and watch it. It was amazing I was totally obsessed with it, I never slept because all I want to do every night is, “one more episode.” Once I finished the show I needed to know every single detail of how this, “amazing” show was created.

      One thing that really stuck with me is where it was filmed, I thought that the producer would for sure be doing green-screens or faking the location. After watching a clip with two characters walking through the streets and sitting in very popular areas of New York City. I noticed how many people it took for a 3-minute shot, but it’s so important that they film it because it widens the popularity of the show. The TV show was to suppose to show the glamor of New York City. If they faked it could possibly ruin the show, to be able to pull off the filming process in New York seemed from the video very tough. The crew of what looked like 50 people working together and helping each other made me want to do the same with my peers.

The actors and actress on the show had to be there every day at a certain time every day. It takes a lot of work pretending to be someone else and acting like their the highest class of wealth, high schoolers and acting their adults at the same time.        The main characters had to know their stuff they had to be practicing every day to come together for five-day filming and acting with a couple of episodes being filmed each day. I’ve been trying a feel out the acting part of filming. Watching the behind the scenes to this really opened my eyes to how much effort it is coming to film and act for six years.

       The crew working for Gossip Girl was huge the number of people that needed to come in and do work for this show every day was exciting to see. When we have 10 people working on a 1-minute film it gets very overwhelming to be around. The people behind-the-scenes make the show come to life. They are the creates of it they write every episode. When I was watching the behind the scenes of the show. I saw how many different job's there are to make a TV show work. Lighting, sound, and equipment. If you don't have people working around you doing things that need to be done before filming then everything could fall apart. The behind-the-scenes clip should if the sound isn't working they can't film if the lighting is bad and the shot isn't good then it could be awful and they have to re-due it. It's important that nothing goes wrong because they have to put out an episode every week there are deadlines that have to be met because a famous show like Gossip Girl, is going to be bad if they do get the work done. 

    The lighting is super important to give setting the scene if it's too bright at "night time scene" it could potentially ruin the shot. Making the actors look good lighting on the tops of there hair and soft lighting on the faces to brighten emotion. Gossip Girl, is a great show and it's not a top 100 movie, but the show was produced in the busiest city in the world with millions of people around wanting to see what's going on. Pretending to be "so rich" you don't know what to do with your extra money. Wearing clothes that add up 30,000+ each week for production. 

Clips of Pre-Production

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